Friday, August 24, 2012

Shoulder release thorugh Serratus and Lattisimus strength

      The request for shoulder releasing poses is on I get most from my students and clients. Often times we sense that what we need is a good stretch when, in reality, we need to strengthen underused muscles. Many shoulder injuries and tension headaches are caused by this imbalance.  The following 2 exercises are a great way to release shoulder and neck tension due to over developed Upper Trapezius muscles and strengthen the Latissimus Dorsi, Serratus Anterior and Mid and Lower Trapezius muscles.

*Another benefit to this muscle development is a smoother and more integrated Chatturanga as well as a greater ease in many arm balances!

Try doing 10 and if you can maintain correct from do 10 more- just remember- DON'T SACRIFICE QUALITY FOR QUANTITY!

     Demonstrating that these can be done anywhere I am posed doing them outside in my garden against a tree and a shed.You could do this at work or on the train!

     The first exercise is a side plank push up supported at a wall or tree!
Stand at a diagonal with one arm extended and hand at wall, tree or other stable object. With your core strong, tail bone down and front ribs laced together, rotate your shoulder down and bring the point of the elbow to face directly down (you might feel a carving sensation just behind your arm pit as the Serretus and Lats engage). KEEP YOUR SHOULDER DOWN as you begin to bend the elbow, lowering the whole body into a deeper tilt, pressing into the hands evenly.
*Keep the elbow in line with the wrist and shoulder to maintain the depression of the shoulder*

like this.....
Not this......

 The next exercise is a way to strengthen the Triceps and mid and lower Trapezius muscles as well as using the Serratus and Latissimus as Stabilizers.

At wall bring your hands shoulder level and lean your body into a plank at the wall, abs in, chest open and shoulders down the back. Have the points of the elbows facing down towards the floor. press evenly into the hands (thumbs and pointer fingers especially)

Keeping the shoulder down the back and the weight distributed evenly throughout the hands, slowly and with control lean the whole body into this modified push up. keep the elbows in line with wrists and shoulders.

Remember- Just a few minutes a day allocated to bringing harmony to your body is time well spent.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, clearly, I just got up and did this. AND WILL TRY TO REMEMBER TO DO IT AGAIN. Because I think you might have been dreaming about my upper traps when you wrote it. Great post, lovely!
